We strive to keep out database accurate and reliable. All dog names must be checked against the existing records to avoid creating duplicates. Enter the dog's registered name (e.g. "Momo No Sachi Go Shirai") below to check if it is already in the database. If the spelling of a dog's name is somehow ambiguous (special characters like ´`°, separation of words: "Kitanoumi" vs. "Kita No Umi", etc.) please enter only part of the name. This will improve the likelyhood that a match will be found and help prevent adding a duplicate.

Registered Name:

Please be certain to enter the registered name of the dog not the call name. The call name may be entered later.

Please enter the name of the person:
(We will first of all check if he/she is already available in our database.)


Recent Updates

Current timeframe:

Dog info verified by JACA
Most important info available
Important data is missing
(sire, dam, year of birth, or land of birth)


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